Saturday 19 March 2011

I just wont make sense, for once I'm gonna live

It's in the air now
Bitter tears and broken hearts
Teenagers we count the years,
we think we're smart
But were not, we don't know anything

Another post about being a teenager. Sorry, but I am one, so it's quite frequently on my mind. Some people say that they hate being a teenager, that it's too hard and there's too much pressure- and yea, maybe it is hard, and maybe there's an immense amount of pressure, but they're some of the best days of our lives!

Sure, we mess up... a lot, and we have to make all these decisions that will determine what path we take on our way to the future. But we're expected to mess up. We're allowed to. How great is that? Our parents expect us to party hard, to be "emotional" and to screw up all the time. Of course, we need to focus on the important things too, but isn't it good that we screw up now?

We're teenagers. Now is the time of learning from our mistakes. It's better to make them now and learn from them before we enter the scary world of adulthood and have to be responsible. When we reach our teens, we've gotten to the age where we know what's going on and we don't need our parents holding our hands all the time, but at the same time, we've got our parents keeping an eye on us. We've got people who are responsible for us, and our only responsibility is ourself. That way, when we screw up, we can turn to them, cry on their shoulders, ask for their advice and hope they won't judge. If we live the "perfect" life now, then what will we know when we have to fend for ourselves, and even for children or partners? Our teenage years are preparation for the real world, and my parents use that excuse a lot.

"Why do I have to tidy my room- nobody else goes in there?"
"Well, Aimee, when you're up and married, you don't want to live in a messy house. We're just trying to prepare you for the future."

Yawn. But I guess I'll thank them for it sometime. Through having to be careful with pocket money, washing dishes, tidying up around the house and all those other boring things that I groan about, my parents are helping me build up essential skills for life.

But they can't teach me how to be streetsmart. So I've got to do that for myself. I need to learn how to deal with people out in the real world, and know how to sort out my own dilemmas, and to do that, I need to screw up. All the time, it would seem. But I'm learning from my mistakes, which is good. There's a lot to learn, but I'm making a lot of mistakes to learn from, so I'm getting there.

I'm going to enjoy these years I think. I'm going to have my friends, my arguements, my flings, my heartbreak, my smiles, my tears, my parties, and my exhaustion. It'll be epic.

And I won't be denied by you, the animal inside of you

Here we go again
We're sick like animals, we play pretend
You're just a cannibal and I'm afraid
I won't get out alive

Love. It's animalistic, isn't it? And I'm not talking about some sort of kinky roleplay or anything here, just the nature of "love."

First off, there's the thrill of the chase; the actual pursuit of the one you want to be with. You watch them for a while getting to know their ways, their quirks. Then you approach them, get to know them more and develop a strange infatuation. You feel drawn to them, and they're at the forefront of your mind.

Then you finally pluck up the courage to "ask them out." They hopefully say yes, and that's when the protective nature kicks in. They're yours, nobody elses. You don't want them to leave you, so you keep a careful watch over them, and do everything you can to make them happy.

As it gets more serious, you become more and more in sync with each other; moving as one in a way that would remind you of a pack or herd. You know each other inside and out, and you share thoughts with each other.

It seems to be an okay way to be, doesn't it? You know the person, you want them to be happy and you've got someone who'll protect you. But what about when things get messy. Like with a  herd, if something goes wrong, then the wrong-doer is excluded. You get pushed away and you suddenly find yourself fending for yourself. Either that, or you fight. Cruel, emotionally bruising fighting. It cuts you deep and, a lot of the time, it's a hurt you won't forget. Where animals would just get the claws out and fight, humans are sneaky and calculating. They know what hurts the most- there's the downside of letting a person get to know you so well. We are capable of tearing a person in two, and we know it. We know exaclty how to do it, and when the time comes- we don't hesitate.

But I guess we're just protecting ourselves. By destroying the other person, we make ourselves seem stronger. We put our guard up by tearing the other person's down.

Friday 18 March 2011

And in the heat of the moment my mouth starts going the words start flowing

When I'm nervous I have this thing yeah I talk too much
Sometimes I just can't shut the hell up
It's like I need to tell someone anyone who'll listen
And that's where I seem to mess up, yeah

Secretssecretssecrets. It's not nice knowing things, is it? Knowing things that you shouldn't know, then pretending that you don't know them at all. It's not nice. At times it can feel good, to have that bit of information that could potentially destroy a person. But it's always a dirty little secret, isn't it? One that could hurt another person. It's not fun, and I'm not a fan of it. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy having a wee chat and a catch up on all the bizz, but knowing something really "bad" is not my cup of tea.

Then there's the battle in your head. What's the "right" thing to do? Do you tell the other person to save them from further hurt or embarrassment, or do you keep the secret and wait to see what happens? Telling them will hurt them, and you'll destroy all trust between you and the one in the wrong; but not telling them can destroy you inside. You watch the person live their life, naively believing that everything's going well, knowing that eventually everything's going to go mad.

I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you

And the cynics were outraged
Screaming, this is absurd
'Cause for a moment a band of thieves
In ripped up jeans got to rule the world

Teenagers are stupid. They know nothing. Who even are they? They think they know everything. They're hormonal- just let them be. Sex, drink, drugs and music- that's all they care about. They just loiter and cause trouble.

You were teenagers too! And did all of you have sex all the time, drink your money away and get as high as kites? No. Didn't think so. So teenagers today don't either. I understand that yes, a lot of us do party hard- but even then, it doesn't mean we don't care. We do. We're the ones who have to live in this world. We're going to be adults soon, so of course we care about what's going on in the world. We have to make a living in this economic disaster, so I'm pretty sure we care.

The rise in university fees is a good example of something we care about. It affects us, and we stood up and took notice. We fought for what we believed in- some harder than others, of course. Sure, it could have been a bit more peaceful at times, but it shows that we're not just wasters who sit back and do nothing. But we weren't listened to, were we? The adults know best.

And for any adults reading this, I'm not pointing the finger. That would be a bit hypocritical, as I would also be stereotyping. I know that you guys are older and wiser, but that doesn't mean that we know nothing. So I love coming across adults who talk to teenagers as if they're equals, and take a genuine interest in what we have to say.

There are more and more teenagers taking part in petitions, peaceful (and not so peaceful) protests, and sitting on councils; just to get our opinion across.

How cool would it be if we got to rule the world- just for a day? I would love it.

"The awkward moment when David Cameron gets sick, but can't get treated because his doctor couldn't afford to go to University."

No one in your life is with you constantly, no one is completely on your side

Nothing is so good it lasts eternally
Perfect situations must go wrong
But this has never yet prevented me
Wanting far too much for far too long.

Ever had that feeling that something's going to go wrong? It usually happens when you feel like everything else is going okay. Everything's cool and dandy and going fine. Then BAM- bad times.

At the minute, I guess I can't complain. I'm freaking out about the future a lot, and I'm very sleepy; but when I think about it, things are going okay. School's alright, things are going well with my friends, and I'm happy enough. But I have this awful feeling in my gut that something's going to take a turn for the worse.

"For every good thing that happens, there will be a bad one."
Surely that can't be true? Why do we have to live a content plane? As soon as we seem to go up, we have to dip back down again- it all balances out. I don't like that. There seems to be a whole lot I don't like, doesn't there? I know that there are ups and downs in life, and shit happens- but good things happen too. Why can't we just have a run of nice things without having to expect something bad to happen? Lots of rhetorical questions here, but I am genuinely trying to work out an answer for at least one of them.

Is having a good time for a long time too much to expect? Is it greedy? And is it bad to consider my "bad" things "bad" when there's so much else going on in the world? I mean, Japan's in turmoil, and I'm watching Comic Relief right now, and I'm worrying about a possible argument and gcses? Priorities need a bit of shaking up methinks.

Friday 4 March 2011

The monkey on your back is the latest trend

Here is the church and here is the steeple,
We sure are cute for two ugly people
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else, but you

I quite like the idea of there being someone for everyone. Makes it seem quite magical, doesn't it? There's someone walking around right now that I'm going to spend my life with. Or maybe there isn't, that may not be the plan. But there's a plan! Fate, destiny, God; whatever you want to believe in. Something/someone out there knows what my life is going to turn out like, who I'm going to spend it with, and what I'm going to do with my time on this nice wee planet we call Earth.

But it scares me too. How much control of everything do we actually have? Or is everything paved out already? So no matter what decisions we make, are they all going to point in the same direction? Like the London underground; there are lots of different journeys we can take to get to the same place.

Has fate already decided my path? Am I "destined" to follow one path? Does God have everything sorted? Or am I in the driver's seat? Or is it a bit of both? Who knows? If anybody reading this has a clue, please let me know in the wee comments box.

Shine a light on her

-Why are you still afraid of the dark?
-Because of the inherent lack of light.

That seems like a pretty good reason to me. Fear is a distressing emotion induced by a perceived threat. But we being afraid of the dark... it's not really the darkness we fear, is it? It's the thought of what could be lingering in the darkness. We're not afraid of the height, but of falling. Not of the small space, but of feeling trapped. Not of the spider, but of what it could do. Not of the clown, but of the idea of a man in make-up and costume. Not of water, but of drowning. Not of fire, but of being burned.

There are dangers everywhere, but does that mean we should live in fear? No. And we don't. But there are certain things that trigger the fear. But it's induced by a perceived threat. So half of the time, we're not really in danger.

But it's a horrible feeling, isn't it? Makes you feel powerless, weak. But there are different ways of relaxing and chilling yourself out. For some people, it's sticking your headphones in and blasting your music. For other's, it's imagining yourself in a nicer place. Other people just breathe slowly and deeply. But if you're ever afraid; you should know what works for you. Conquer your fears as soon as you can, otherwise, they'll become rooted deeper and deeper into your mind. If you overcome it now, then it'll be easier. It won't happen immediately, and goodness knows it won't be easy. But it feels pretty cool when you do. All you have to do to beat darkness is add a bit of light. A teeny weeny flame can brighten up a whole room.

7 weeks to go...

GCSE: General Certificate of Secondary Education: the basic level of a subject taken in school.

orrrrrrrrr, modern forms of torture designed to stress you out and take over your social life. But I'll let you decide on your preffered definition.

Exams are coming up, revision's getting intense, and my social life has gone down the toilet. There's so much pressure on students to work hard, succeed, sit A levels, go to university, then... be up to your neck in debt and end up working in a job you hate with a First Degree. There are no jobs about, but the pressure's still there. If anything, it's more intense now because there's even more pressure to be the best.

Don't get me wrong, being the best is a good thing, but you've got to be sure that being the best is what you want to do. Don't put yourself under more pressure than you need to be under; enjoy life. We spend 5 out of 7 days in school a week... that's a pretty long time to spend in school. We're there from we're 4 til we're 16 (at least), and while we have to do the work, we need to enjoy ourselves.

Although I said my social life is going down the toilet, I must admit that my parents have been pretty lenient. I'm allowed out on Friday and Saturday nights, as long as I study during the day times. And I'll be studying every evening. It better pay off! Currently going through the process of choosing A Level subjects, so I better get the chance to study them!