Thursday 5 May 2011

They've been looming for a while now, & yet they have appeared to have snuck/sneaked up on me! My first "big" exams, so lots of studying to be done. I most likely won't have many posts for a wee while, so I'm sure the one person who actually follows me will be devastated...not.

Wish me luck though!

But tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising

Don't lose who you are, in the blur of the stars
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,
It's okay not to be okay...

 Here in Northern Ireland we're very accustomed to saying that we're "fine." (I'm not sure if it's the same elsewhere, so I can only speak about what I know). We don't like being weak, and we certainly won't admit it to anyone else. We have the desire to appear strong and independant, no matter how we're feeling on the inside.

A friend of mine is considered the strong one. My friend group is a bit disfunctional, to say the very least. There's always some sort of petty drama going on, and this friend (we'll call her Laura) is always the one who has the level head. Laura is the eldest, and feels as if she must hold everyone else together. While she is very necessary & appreciated, she doesn't realise that she can fall apart too. She doesn't have to wear her mask all the time. Sure, she can help others out, but she's gotta admit to others that she isn't okay- and that's allowed!

I've only lived a little bit of my life and already I've clicked onto the fact that it's not a smooth ride all the time- shocker, right? So yea, while it's good to help others out (and you definitely should try to), you have to look after yourself & realise that there's always somebody about who you can have a wee chat with.